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1. All information provided on Chart Insiders' group of companies is for illustrative purposes only, constitutes the private opinion of the publisher and none of the analyses or suggestions provided are investment advice and cannot be relied upon as such. In the financial markets each investment is subject to risk, the final decision is yours and must be preceded by your own analysis.

2. The Chart Insiders community was created by traders for traders. Here you will find knowledge that we share voluntarily. The activity on our group is rewarded and opens the way to additional thematic channels.

3. At Chart Insiders we share our knowledge and experience in the crypto and forex markets. We discuss position tactics, trading strategies and long-term investments. We publish our own technical analysis, which we discuss, and help to familiarize ourselves with the basic principles of trading on these markets. We provide and create our own tools for price chart analysis and share our successes, failures and insights.

4. We are here to support, learn and grow together as investors and speculators, so as to focus on making money rather than making up for losses. We expose fraudulent projects and stock exchanges. As far as we can, we educate and, above all, we spend our time productively doing what we are passionate about.
We run the group for free because we make money in the markets and do not have to make money selling dubious quality training and signals.

 5. In return for the help and experience gained in the group, we ask you to take an active part in the development of the community, get involved in the group and help others


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